Critical Realism and Causality: Tracing the Aristotelian Legacy

Research output: Contribution to journalConference paper

20 Citations (Scopus)


Rom HarrE's generative account of causality has been drawn on heavily by advocates of critical realism. Yet HarrE argues that critical realists often exaggerate the extent to which powerful causal explanations of social phenomena can be developed. Certain proponents of critical realism have responded to HarrE's criticisms by suggesting that it is useful to consider the relevant issues in relation to the familiar Aristotelian classification of four causes. In this paper I contribute to this debate and pursue a similar strategy. The paper adds to existing contributions in two ways. Firstly, I outline how HarrE sees his generative account of causality as linking up with Aristotelian themes. It emerges that HarrE at times conceives of his generative theory as part of an alternative to the Aristotelian system while at other times he draws connections between it and a reformulated account of formal causality. Secondly, I argue that when we consider the positions of HarrE and proponents of critical realism on the scope of causal explanation in the social realm in relation to the interpretation of final causes offered by another philosopher profoundly influenced by the Aristotelian tradition, namely Charles Peirce, we can see both as limited in certain respects.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberN/A
Pages (from-to)189-218
Number of pages30
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2009
EventAnnual Conference of the Society-for-Critical-Realism - London, ENGLAND
Duration: 1 Jan 2008 → …


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