Designing and delivering digital learning (e-Learning) interventions in nursing and midwifery education: A systematic review of theories

Siobhán O'Connor, Yajing Wang, Samantha Cooke, Amna Ali, Stephanie Kennedy, Jung Jae Lee, Richard G. Booth

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Aims /Objectives

To identify and synthesise theories that support the design and delivery of digital learning interventions in nursing and midwifery education.


A range of educational and other theories are used to support nursing and midwifery education, including when e-learning interventions are being designed and delivered. However, there is a limited understanding of how theory is applied across the wide range of digital learning interventions to inform pedagogical research and practice.


A systematic review.


CINAHL, ERIC, MEDLINE and PubMed were searched using key terms. Studies were screened by independent reviewers checking the title, abstract and full text against eligibility criteria. Due to the theoretical focus of the review, critical appraisal was not undertaken. Data were extracted and synthesised using a descriptive approach.


Thirty-four studies were included. Twenty theories were identified from a range of scientific disciplines, with the Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Self-Efficacy employed most often. Theoretical frameworks were used to inform and explain how the digital learning interventions were designed or implemented in nursing and midwifery education. The sample were mainly undergraduate nursing students and the digital learning interventions encompassed animation, blended approaches, general technologies, mobile, online, virtual simulation and virtual reality applications which were used mainly in university settings.


This systematic review found a range of theories that support the design and delivery on digital learning interventions in nursing and midwifery education. While a single theory, the Technology Acceptance Model, tended to dominate the literature, the evidence base is peppered with numerous theoretical models that need to be examined more rigorously to ascertain their utility in improving the design or implementation of digital forms of learning to improve pedagogical research and practice in nursing and midwifery.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103635
JournalNurse Education in Practice
Issue number103635
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2023


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