Determinants of Social Media Adoption by B2B Organizations

Nikoletta Theofania Siamagka, George Christodoulides, Nina Michaelidou, Aikaterini C. Valvi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

263 Citations (Scopus)


This study contributes to the current dearth of knowledge on the potential of social media as a marketing tool in industrial settings, by focusing on factors that determine social media adoption by B2B organizations. A conceptual model, which draws on the technology acceptance model and resource-based theory, is developed and tested using quantitative data from B2B organizations in the UK. Findings suggest that perceived usefulness of social media within B2B organizational contexts is determined by image, perceived ease of use and perceived barriers. Additionally, the results show that adoption of social media is significantly affected by organizational innovativeness and perceived usefulness. The moderating role of organizational innovativeness is also tested but no support is found. The findings of the study are further validated via nine qualitative interviews with B2B senior managers, yielding additional interesting and in-depth insights into the drivers of social media adoption by B2B organizations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 21 May 2015


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