Differences in predictors of traditional and cyber-bullying: a 2-year longitudinal study in Korean school children

S-J Yang, Robert Stewart, J-M Kim, S-W Kim, I-S Shin, Michael Dewey, S Maskey, J-S Yoon

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133 Citations (Scopus)


Traditional bullying has received considerable research but the emerging phenomenon of cyber-bullying much less so. Our study aims to investigate environmental and psychological factors associated with traditional and cyber-bullying. In a school-based 2-year prospective survey, information was collected on 1,344 children aged 10 including bullying behavior/experience, depression, anxiety, coping strategies, self-esteem, and psychopathology. Parents reported demographic data, general health, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. These were investigated in relation to traditional and cyber-bullying perpetration and victimization at age 12. Male gender and depressive symptoms were associated with all types of bullying behavior and experience. Living with a single parent was associated with perpetration of traditional bullying while higher ADHD symptoms were associated with victimization from this. Lower academic achievement and lower self esteem were associated with cyber-bullying perpetration and victimization, and anxiety symptoms with cyber-bullying perpetration. After adjustment, previous bullying perpetration was associated with victimization from cyber-bullying but not other outcomes. Cyber-bullying has differences in predictors from traditional bullying and intervention programmes need to take these into consideration.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)309-318
Number of pages10
JournalEuropean child & adolescent psychiatry
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Acknowledged-BRC
  • Acknowledged-BRC-13/14


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