Driven Imposters: Controlling Expectations in Many-Body Systems

Gerard McCaul, Chris Orthodoxou, Kurt Jacobs, George H. Booth, Denys I. Bondar

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We present a framework for controlling the observables of a general correlated electron system driven by an incident laser field. The approach provides a prescription for the driving required to generate an arbitrary predetermined evolution for the expectation value of a chosen observable, together with a constraint on the maximum size of this expectation. To demonstrate this, we determine the laser fields required to exactly control the current in a Fermi-Hubbard system under a range of model parameters, fully controlling the non-linear high-harmonic generation and optically
observed electron dynamics in the system. This is achieved for both the uncorrelated metallic-like state and deep in the strongly-correlated Mott insulating regime, flipping the optical responses of the two systems so as to mimic the other, creating ‘driven imposters’. We also present a general framework for the control of other dynamical variables, opening a new route for the design of driven materials with customized properties.
Original languageEnglish
Article number183201
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Early online date6 May 2020
Publication statusPublished - 6 May 2020


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