Early consumption of peanuts in infancy is associated with a low prevalence of peanut allergy

George Du Toit, Yitzhak Katz, Peter Sasieni, David Mesher, Soheila J. Maleki, Helen R. Fisher, Adam T. Fox, Victor Turcanu, Tal Amir, Galia Zadik-Mnuhin, Adi Cohen, Irit Livne, Gideon Lack

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    708 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: Despite guidelines recommending avoidance of peanuts during infancy in the United Kingdom (UK), Australia, and, until recently, North America, peanut allergy (PA) continues to increase in these countries. Objective: We sought to determine the prevalence of PA among Israeli and UK Jewish children and evaluate the relationship of PA to infant and maternal peanut consumption. Methods: A clinically validated questionnaire determined the prevalence of PA among Jewish schoolchildren (5171 in the UK and 5615 in Israel). A second validated questionnaire assessed peanut consumption and weaning in Jewish infants (77 in the UK and 99 in Israel). Results: The prevalence of PA in the UK was 1.85%, and the prevalence in Israel was 0.17% (P
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)984 - 991
    Number of pages8
    JournalJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2008


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