Energy-Constrained SWIPT Networks: Enhancing Physical Layer Security With FD Self-Jamming

Xuanxuan Tang, Yueming Cai, Yansha Deng, Yuzhen Huang, Wendong Yang, Weiwei Yang

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In this paper, we investigate the secrecy performance of energy-constrained wireless-powered networks with considering the passive eavesdropping scenario, where the simultaneous wireless information and power transfer-based full-duplex self-jamming (SWIPT-FDSJ) scheme is developed. The maximal ratio transmission protocol is applied at the multi-antenna source such that the wireless signals are designated to the destination directly. Besides, the energy harvesting and full-duplex self-jamming operations are adopted at the energy-constrained destination to prolong its lifetime as well as to confuse the eavesdropper. Specifically, the exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions of the connection outage probability (COP), the secrecy outage probability (SOP), and the secrecy throughput of the proposed system are obtained, based on which we optimize the time-switching ratio to maximize the secrecy throughput. We also degenerate the proposed SWIPT-FDSJ scheme to the reduced half-duplex with no self-jamming (HDNSJ) scheme. The finds suggest that in the HDNSJ scheme, adding the antenna number of the source only benefits the COP performance, but has no impact on the SOP performance. By contrast, it will promote the COP and SOP performance at the same time in the SWIPT-FDSJ scheme, which eventually results in the great improvement of secrecy throughput. In addition, we present the practical application condition of the SWIPT-FDSJ scheme. It is demonstrated that the secrecy throughput performance of the SWIPT-FDSJ scheme is much superior to the HDNSJ scheme on condition that the application condition is satisfied.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)212-222
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Issue number1
Early online date18 Jun 2018
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Energy harvesting
  • maximum secrecy throughput
  • optimal application condition
  • secrecy outage probability
  • time-switching ratio


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