Evaluation of the International Recruitment Fund for adult social care for 2023-24

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International recruitment continues to play a significant role in helping to fill vacancies in adult social care in England, which remain high. The International Recruitment Fund (IRF) 2023-24 was introduced to address barriers to international recruitment in adult social care and promote ethical recruitment and employment practices at a local level by the distribution of £15million to 15 regional and sub-regional partnerships across England.

The IRF 2023-24 coincided with a time of sharp increase in Health and Care visas granted and care provider sponsor licences being revoked by UK Visas and Immigration, the latter resulting in care providers being closed down and internationally recruited workers being displaced.

In this report we present findings from a process evaluation of the introduction and use of the IRF 2023-24 across England, drawing on interviews with 70 stakeholders (partnerships, care providers and internationally recruited care workers) and analysis of Fund application and monitoring documents. This report is Phase 2 of an on-going programme of work on international recruitment in adult social care.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherNIHR Policy Research Unit in Health and Social Care Workforce, The Policy Institute, King's College London
Commissioning bodyNIHR Policy Research Programme
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jan 2025


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