Exactly solvable random graph ensemble with extensively many short cycles

Fabian Aguirre Lopez, Paolo Barucca, Mathilde Fekom, ACC Coolen

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We introduce and analyse ensembles of 2-regular random graphs with a tuneable distribution of short cycles. The phenomenology of these graphs depends critically on the scaling of the ensembles' control parameters relative to the number of nodes. A phase diagram is presented, showing a second order phase transition from a connected to a disconnected phase. We study both the canonical formulation, where the size is large but fixed, and the grand canonical formulation, where the size is sampled from a discrete distribution, and show their equivalence in the thermodynamical limit. We also compute analytically the spectral density, which consists of a discrete set of isolated eigenvalues, representing short cycles, and a continuous part, representing cycles of diverging size.
Original languageEnglish
Article number085101
Number of pages15
JournalJournal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2018


  • disordered systems (theory)
  • Random graphs


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