Experience of stigma and discrimination reported by people experiencing the first episode of schizophrenia and those with a first episode of depression: The FEDORA project

Elizabeth A. Corker*, Alina Beldie, Cecilia Brain, Miro Jakovljevic, Marek Jarema, Oguz Karamustafalioglu, Josef Marksteiner, Pavel Mohr, Dan Prelipceanu, Anamaria Vasilache, Margda Waern, Norman Sartorius, Graham Thornicroft

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42 Citations (Scopus)


Aim: To record and measure the nature and severity of stigma and discrimination experienced by people during a first episode of schizophrenia and those with a first episode of major depressive disorder.

Methods: The Discrimination and Stigma Scale (DISC-12) was used in a cross-sectional survey to elicit service user reports of anticipated and experienced discrimination by 150 people with a diagnosis of first-episode schizophrenia and 176 with a diagnosis of first-episode major depressive disorder in seven countries (Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Sweden and Turkey).

Results: Participants with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder reported discrimination in a greater number of life areas than those with schizophrenia, as rated by the total DISC-12 score (p = .03). With regard to specific life areas, participants with depression reported more discrimination in regard to neighbours, dating, education, marriage, religious activities, physical health and acting as a parent than participants with schizophrenia. Participants with schizophrenia reported more discrimination with regard to the police compared to participants with depression.

Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination because of mental illness change in the course of the mental diseases. Future research may take a longitudinal perspective to better understand the beginnings of stigmatisation and its trajectory through the life course and to identify critical periods at which anti-stigma interventions can most effectively be applied.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)438-445
Number of pages8
JournalThe International journal of social psychiatry
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2015


  • depression
  • discrimination
  • first episode
  • schizophrenia
  • Stigma


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