Facilitating the Decentralised Exchange of Cryptocurrencies in an Order-Driven Market

Moritz Platt*, Francesco Pierangeli, Giacomo Livan, Simone Righi

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)
353 Downloads (Pure)


This article discusses a protocol to facilitate decentralised exchanges on an order-driven market through a consortium of market services operators. We discuss whether this hybrid protocol combining a centralised initiation phase with a decentralised execution phase outperforms fully centralised exchanges with regards to efficiency and security. Here, a fully efficient and fully secure protocol is defined as one where traders incur no trading costs or opportunity costs and counterparty risk is absent. We devise a protocol addressing the main downsides in the decentralised exchange process that uses a facilitating distributed ledger, maintains an order book and monitors the order status in real-time to provide accurate exchange rate information and performance scoring of participants. We show how performance ratings can lower opportunity costs and how a rolling benchmark rate of verifiable trades can be used to establish a trustworthy exchange rate between cryptocurrencies. The formal validation of the proposed technical mechanisms is the subject of future work.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2nd Conference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks and Services
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-7281-7091-6
ISBN (Print)978-1-7281-7092-3
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2020
EventConference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks and Services -
Duration: 28 Sept 202030 Sept 2020
Conference number: 2


ConferenceConference on Blockchain Research and Applications for Innovative Networks and Services
Abbreviated titleBRAINS
Internet address


  • Atomic Swap
  • Cross-Chain Trading
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Exchange Rates
  • Hashed Time-Locked Contracts (HTLC)
  • Order Books
  • Order-Driven Markets
  • Quality Scoring


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