For Western Girls Only? Post-feminism as transnational culture

Simidele Dosekun*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

178 Citations (Scopus)


Much of the literature on post-feminism concerns the "Western" world and variously conceptualizes post-feminism as "Western culture." This article argues that, as a result, feminist cultural scholars have not sufficiently imagined, theorized, or empirically researched the possibility of post-feminism in non-Western cultural contexts. By briefly reviewing what has been said in the literature about post-feminism and the non-West, and by putting this in dialogue with transnational feminist cultural scholarship, this article makes a case for a transnational analytic and methodological approach to the critical study of post-feminism. It argues that such an approach provides an understanding of post-feminism as a transnationally circulating culture, and thus can better account for the fact that the culture interpellates not only women in the West but also others elsewhere. The article concludes by outlining what it means and could afford feminist cultural scholars to work with a new conceptual view of post-feminism as transnational culture.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)960-975
Number of pages16
JournalFeminist Media Studies
Issue number6
Early online date24 Aug 2015
Publication statusPublished - 2 Nov 2015


  • class
  • culture
  • post-feminism
  • transnational
  • Western


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