Gandhian Satyagraha and Open Animal Rescue

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

4 Citations (Scopus)


In this chapter, Tony Milligan notes how the open rescue of nonhuman animals, as practised in Australia by Animal Liberation Victoria and Animal Liberation New South Wales, and by members of a variety of activist networks in Europe and North America, has been compared (by such activists) to Gandhian satyagraha. The latter, Milligan clarifies, may be understood, loosely, as a struggle that is based upon the power of truth and/or spirituality and non-violence. Milligan then argues for the relevance of such comparisons, clarifying along the way that this is not a case for some manner of descriptive monism. Animal advocates, Milligan contends, need a rich conceptual repertoire and multiple (sometimes more secular, sometimes more spiritualized) ways of describing one and the same set of events.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEthical and Political Approaches to Nonhuman Animal Issues
EditorsAndrew Woodhall, Gabriel Garmendia di Trindade
PublisherSpringer Nature
ISBN (Electronic)9783319545493
ISBN (Print)9783319545486
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2017


  • Satyagraha
  • Gandhi
  • Non-violence
  • Animals
  • Ethics
  • Protest


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