Gender and British Politics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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Learning objectives
■ To gain an overview of the history of female and the LGBTQ community’s representation in British politics.
■ Toappreciatethegradual,butstillunequalempowermentofwomen.
■ TounderstandthedifferencesingenderpoliticsbetweenWestminster and the devolved parliaments in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
■ Toinvestigatedifferencesinfemaleleadershipandmembershipof Britain’s parties.
■ To examine what recent governments have done for women and the LGBTQ community.
■ To understand that the House of Commons is still not a very ‘diversity-sensitive’ place.
■ To note that female politicians, and especially those from an ethnic or religious minority, are harassed more often than men.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPolitics UK
Subtitle of host publication10th edition
EditorsBill Jones, Philip Norton, Isabelle Hertner
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRoutledge-Taylor Francis
Number of pages22
ISBN (Electronic)9781003028574
ISBN (Print)9780367464059
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2021


  • Gender equality
  • LGBT+
  • Gender politics
  • women's parliamentary representation
  • Women's representation


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