GPR56-related bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria: further evidence for an overlap with the cobblestone complex

Nadia Bahi-Buisson*, Karine Poirier, Nathalie Boddaert, Catherine Fallet-Bianco, Nicola Specchio, Enrico Bertini, Okay Caglayan, Karine Lascelles, Caroline Elie, Jerome Rambaud, Michel Baulac, Isabelle An, Patricia Dias, Vincent des Portes, Marie Laure Moutard, Christine Soufflet, Monique El Maleh, Cherif Beldjord, Laurent Villard, Jamel Chelly

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    121 Citations (Scopus)


    GPR56 mutations cause an autosomal recessive polymicrogyria syndrome that has distinctive radiological features combining bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria, white matter abnormalities and cerebellar hypoplasia. Recent investigations of a GPR56 knockout mouse model suggest that bilateral bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria shares some features of the cobblestone brain malformation and demonstrate that loss of GPR56 leads to a dysregulation of the maintenance of the pial basement membrane integrity in the forebrain and the rostral cerebellum. In light of these findings and other data in the literature, this study aimed to refine the clinical features with the first description of a foetopathological case and to define the range of cobblestone-like features in GPR56 bilateral bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria in a sample of 14 patients. We identified homozygous GPR56 mutations in 14 patients from eight consanguineous families with typical bilateral bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria and in one foetal case, out of 30 patients with bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria referred for molecular screening. The foetal case, which was terminated at 35 weeks of gestation in view of suspicion of Walker Warburg syndrome, showed a cobblestone-like lissencephaly with a succession of normal, polymicrogyric and 'cobblestone-like' cortex with ectopic neuronal overmigration, agenesis of the cerebellar vermis and hypoplastic cerebellar hemispheres with additional neuronal overmigration in the pons and the cerebellar cortex. The 14 patients with GPR56 mutations (median 8.25 years, range 1.5-33 years) were phenotypically homogeneous with a distinctive clinical course characterized by pseudomyopathic behaviour at onset that subsequently evolved into severe mental and motor retardation. Generalized seizures (12/14) occurred later with onset ranging from 2.5 to 10 years with consistent electroencephalogram findings of predominantly anterior bursts of low amplitude alpha-like activity. Neuroimaging demonstrated a common phenotype with bilateral frontoparietally predominant polymicrogyria (13/13), cerebellar dysplasia with cysts mainly affecting the superior vermis (11/13) and patchy to diffuse myelination abnormalities (13/13). Additionally, the white matter abnormalities showed a peculiar evolution from severe hypomyelination at 4 months to patchy lesions later in childhood. Taken as a whole, these observations collectively demonstrate that GPR56 bilateral bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria combines all the features of a cobblestone-like lissencephaly and also suggest that GRP56-related defects produce a phenotypic continuum ranging from bilateral bifrontoparietal polymicrogyria to cobblestone-like lissencephaly.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)3194-3209
    Number of pages16
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2010


    • polymicrogyria
    • neuronal migration disorders
    • cobblestone lissencephaly
    • GPR56
    • pial basement membrane
    • radial glia cells
    • BRAIN


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