HIV: ageing, cognition and neuroimaging at 4 year follow-up

B I Haynes, Mervi Pitkänen, R Kulasegaram, S.J. Casey, M. Schutte, K. Towgood, Barry Stephen Peters, Gareth John Barker, Michael David Kopelman

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Objective: To investigate the hypothesis of accelerated cognitive ageing in HIV positive individuals using longitudinal assessment of cognitive performance and quantitative MRI.
Methods: We assessed a broad cognitive battery and quantitative MRI metrics (voxel based morphometry: VBM and diffusion tensor imaging: DTI) in asymptomatic HIV positive men who have sex with men (15 aged 20-40 years and 15 aged ≥50 years), and seronegative matched controls (nine aged 20-40 years and 16 aged ≥50 years).
Results: Being HIV positive was associated with a greater decrease in executive function, and global cognition. Additionally, using DTI, the HIV Group had a greater increase in mean diffusivity, but we did not find group differences on volume change using VBM. With respect to the HIV by Age Group interaction, this was statistically significant for change in global cognition, with older HIV positive individuals showing greater global cognitive decline, but there were no significant interactions on other measures. Lastly, change in cognitive performance was correlated with change in the DTI measures, and this effect was stronger for the HIV positive participants.
Conclusions: In the present study, we found some evidence for accelerated ageing in HIV with a statistically significant HIV by Age Group interaction in global cognition, although this interaction could not be explained by the imaging findings. Moreover, we also found that change in cognitive performance correlated with change in the DTI measures, and this effect was stronger for the HIV positive participants. This will need replication in larger studies using a similar follow-up delay.
Original languageEnglish
Early online date14 Feb 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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