How do we make patient-centred care a reality and how do measure the outcomes?

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paper



After attending this session, persons will have a greater understanding of:

Recognise and develop the personal attributes and professional behaviours that enable the delivery of person-centred wound care
Critically reflect on the quality of engagement when caring for patients at risk of or living with a wound
Pioneer the role of shared decision maker, placing the “person” at the forefront on their care
Identify methods of measuring outcomes important to patients and meaningful in practice

Person-centred care enables patients’ perspectives, values and decisions to be incorporated into clinical decision-making and supported in care planning. This gives patients more control over their health and care needs. Including person-centred care in wound management increases patient involvement and satisfaction in their care.

This session is framed by McCormack and McCance (2017) framework for person-centred nursing, which has four components:

Prerequisites: the personal attributes of the nurse.
The care environment: workplace culture and systems that support person centred care.
Person-centred processes: delivering person-centred care.
Expected person-centred outcomes.
The purpose of this session is to discuss and reflect on how to deliver person-centred approaches in wound care. Together, we will explore the essential skills required to ensure people living with or at risk of wounds feel confident and involved in their wound care.

We will present a short video of a person’s experience of living with a wound and their experience of care. The audience will be invited to discuss the case and contribute their reflections and views using interactive polling software (SLIDO). This will be followed by further interactive and reflective discussion as we consider what person-centred wound care looks like, how it can be achieved and how it can be measured in ways that are meaningful to patients and to clinicians.

There will be opportunity to reflect on learning and we will review the key points people have raised.

Reference – McCormack, B. & McCance, T. (2017). Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Newark: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2023 conference programme
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2023
EventSociety of tissue viability annual conference : Solving skin & wound challenges together - Peterbrough, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Apr 202327 Apr 2023


ConferenceSociety of tissue viability annual conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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