iBench: A ground truth approach for advanced validation of mass spectrometry identification method

John A. Cormican, Wai Tuck Soh, Michele Mishto*, Juliane Liepe*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Abstract: The discovery of many noncanonical peptides detectable with sensitive mass spectrometry inside, outside, and on cells shepherded the development of novel methods for their identification, often not supported by a systematic benchmarking with other methods. We here propose iBench, a bioinformatic tool that can construct ground truth proteomics datasets and cognate databases, thereby generating a training court wherein methods, search engines, and proteomics strategies can be tested, and their performances estimated by the same tool. iBench can be coupled to the main database search engines, allows the selection of customized features of mass spectrometry spectra and peptides, provides standard benchmarking outputs, and is open source. The proof‐of‐concept application to tryptic proteome digestions, immunopeptidomes, and synthetic peptide libraries dissected the impact that noncanonical peptides could have on the identification of canonical peptides by Mascot search with rescoring via Percolator (Mascot+Percolator).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2200271
Early online date17 Oct 2022
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 17 Oct 2022


  • benchmarking
  • HLA
  • immunopeptidome
  • method performance
  • proteomics


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