Impact of Interbranch Correlation on Multichannel Spectrum Sensing With SC and SSC Diversity Combining Schemes

Salam Al-Juboori, Xavier Fernando, Yansha Deng, NALLANATHAN Arumugam

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Multi-antenna receivers are often deployed incognitive radio systems for accurate spectrum sensing. However,correlation among signals received by multiple antennas in thesereceivers is often ignored which yield unrealistic results. Inthis paper, the effect of this correlation is accurately quantifiedby deriving analytical expressions for the average probabilityof detection. Alternative simpler expressions are also derived.These are done for Selection Combining (SC) and Switch andStay (SSC) diversity techniques in dual arbitrarily correlatedNakagami-mfading channels. Then it is repeated for tripleexponentially and identically correlated Nakagami-m fadingchannels with SC diversity technique. Analysis results show thatthe inter-branch correlation impacts the detector performancesignificantly, especially in deep fading scenarios. Also, SC outperforms SSC as expected. However, the difference betweenthem becomes very small in low fading and highly correlatedscenarios which, indicates that the simpler SSC scheme can aswell be deployed in such situations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)456-470
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2019


  • Cognitive radio networks
  • spectrum sensing
  • inter-branch correlation
  • diversity combining
  • selection combining
  • switch and stay combining


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