Improving the interpretation of afternoon cortisol levels and SSTs to prevent misdiagnosis of adrenal insufficiency

Vijay Ramadoss, Katharine Lazarus, Andrew Toby Prevost, Tricia Tan, Karim Meeran, Sirazum Choudhury*

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Adrenal Insufficiency (AI), especially iatrogenic-AI, is a treatable cause of mortality.The difficulty in obtaining 9 am cortisol levels means samples are taken at suboptimal times, including a substantial proportion in the afternoon. Low afternoon cortisol levels often provoke short Synacthen tests (SSTs). It is important that this does not lead to patients misdiagnosed with AI, exposing them to the excess mortality and morbidity of inappropriate steroid replacement therapy. Methods: This retrospective study collected 60 178 cortisol results. Medical records, including subsequent SSTs of initial cortisol results measured after midday were reviewed. Results: Receiver operating characteristic analysis (area under the curve: 0.89) on 6531 suitable cortisol values showed that a limit of <201.5 nmol/L achieved a sensitivity and specificity of 95.6% and 72.6%, while a limit of <234 nmol/L had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 59.5%. Out of 670 SSTs, 628 patients passed. Of these, 140 would have otherwise failed if only their 30-min cortisol was assessed without the 60-min value. A 30- and 60-min SST cortisol cutoff of 366.5 nmol/L and 418.5 nmol/L, respectively, can achieve a sensitivity of >95% on the Abbott analyser platform. Conclusion: An afternoon cortisol >234 nmol/L excludes AI on Abbott analyser platforms. In patients who have an afternoon cortisol <234 nmol/L, including both 30- and 60-min SST cortisol values prevents unnecessary glucocorticoid replacement therapy in 22.3% of individuals in this study.The Abbott analyser SST cortisol cutoffs used to define AI should be 366.5 nmol/L and 418.5 nmol/L at 30 and 60 min, respectively. All patients remained well subsequently with at least 1-year longitudinal follow-up.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberbvab147
JournalJournal of the Endocrine Society
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Cortisol
  • Hypocortisolemia
  • Short Synacthen test


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