Indigineity and the Three Body Problem

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Inclusion of Indigenous storytelling about origins within discussions about space can provide opportunities to think critically about traditions of ethics. And, in particular, to rethink the legacy of the kinds of ethics that emerged within the heartlands of the colonial world. Part of this legacy is the view that good ethics revolves around a compact set of universal rules. A set of principles that might be transferred anywhere. These principles act as a fixed center. However, it may make more sense to think of space ethics as a field of inquiry that has no fixed center. Drawing an analogy with the three-body problem in celestial mechanics, there may be no fixed point around which everything else in space ethics must revolve. Three pathways to the inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge are considered in this chapter, but they point towards a multiplicity of things that matter from an ethical point view.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationReclaiming Space
Subtitle of host publicationProgressive and Multicultural Visions of Space Exploration
EditorsJames S. J. Schwartz, Linda Billings, Erika Nesvold
Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 2023


  • Indigenous
  • ethics
  • storytelling
  • belonging
  • origins
  • knowledge
  • liberties


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