Initial Investigation of a Grating Stimulus as a Visual Endpoint for Human Centrifuge Research

Joe Britton, DM Connolly, Dani E Hawarden, Alec T Stevenson, Stephen DR Harridge, Nic DC Green, Ross D Pollock

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INTRODUCTION: G tolerance has been widely assessed using Peripheral Light Loss (PLL), but this approach has several limitations and may lack sensitivity. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of a foveal visual endpoint for centrifuge research (Grating Loss; GL) and assess its repeatability, reliability, and usability with PLL as a reference.METHODS: A total of 11 subjects undertook centrifuge assessment. Gradual onset sessions (GOR; 0.1 G · s-1) measured both endpoints simultaneously and were performed twice, consisting of six determinations with anti-G suits activated (GOR-On) and six without (GOR-Off). Four determinations of each endpoint were also taken during rapid onset runs (ROR; 3 G · s-1). Usability was scored subjectively.RESULTS: The GL endpoint was reached 0.3-0.5 Gz lower than PLL with each endpoint correlating strongly in GOR-Off (r = 0.93), GOR-On (r = 0.95), and ROR (r = 0.86). The GL had excellent test-retest repeatability (intraclass correlation coefficient: GOR-Off/On = 0.99, ROR = 0.92) and low within-subject variability. Between-subject variance equaled PLL in all conditions. Subjective usability endpoint ratings were equal for all conditions.DISCUSSION: For the 11 individuals tested, the GL was a reliable, repeatable, and usable endpoint, with similar performance to PLL. GL may prove useful as a supplementary endpoint for human centrifuge research as a secondary data point or to reduce fatigue in repeated measurements. The foveal GL stimulus was lost before PLL, contrary to popular models of visual changes under +Gz.Britton J, Connolly DM, Hawarden DE, Stevenson AT, Harridge SDR, Green NDC, Pollock RD. Initial investigation of a grating stimulus as a visual endpoint for human centrifuge research. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2023; 94(12):894-901.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)894–901
Number of pages8
JournalAerospace medicine and human performance
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2023


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