Interference Mitigation in Large-Scale Multiuser Molecular Communication

Maheshi Buddhinee Dissanayake, Yansha Deng, Arumugam Nallanathan, Maged Elkashlan, Urbashi Mitra

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In recent years, communicating information using molecules via diffusion has attracted significant interest in biomedical
applications. To date, most of research have concentrated on point-to-point molecular communication (MC), whereas in a realistic environment, multiple MC transmitters are likely to transmit molecular messages simultaneously sharing the same propagation medium, resulting in significant performance variation of the MC system. In this type of large-scale MC system, the collective signal strength at a desired receiver can be impaired by the interference caused by other MC transmitters, which may degrade the system reliability and efficiency. This paper presents the first tractable analytical framework for the collective signal strength at a partially absorbing receiver due to a desired transmitter under the impact of a swarm of interfering transmitters in a three-dimensional (3D) large-scale MC system using stochastic geometry. To combat the multi-user interference (MUI) and the intersymbol interference
(ISI) in the multi-user environment, we propose Reed Solomon error correction coding, due to its high effectiveness in combating burst and random errors, as well as the two types of information molecule modulating scheme, where the transmitted bits are encoded using two types of information molecules at consecutive bit intervals. We derive analytical expressions for the bit error probability (BEP) of the large-scale MC system with the proposed two schemes to show their effectiveness. The results obtained using Monte Carlo simulations, matched exactly with the analytical results, justifying the accuracy of the derivations. Results reveal that both schemes improve the BEP by 3 to 4 times compared to that of a conventional MC system without using any ISI mitigation techniques. Due to the implementation simplicity, the two-types molecule encoding scheme is better than the RS error correction coding scheme, as the RS error correction coding scheme involves additional encoding and decoding process at both transmitter and receiver nodes. Furthermore, the proposed analytical framework can be generalized to the analysis of other types of receiver
designs and performance characterization in multi-user large-scale MC systems. Also, the two types of information molecule modulating scheme, can be extend to M-type of information molecule modulating scheme without loss of generality.
Original languageEnglish
Article number8633972
Pages (from-to)4088 - 4103
Number of pages16
Issue number6
Early online date4 Feb 2019
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019


  • 3D stochastic geometry
  • Large-scale molecular communication system
  • Reed Solomon codes
  • intersymbol interference
  • multi-user interference
  • partially absorbing receiver


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