Interval type-2 fuzzy-model-based control design for time-delay systems under imperfect premise matching

Yuandi Li, H. K. Lam, Lixian Zhang, Hongyi Li, Fucai Liu, Shun Hung Tsai

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperpeer-review

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In this paper, the problems of stabilization for interval type-2 fuzzy systems with time-varying delay and parameter uncertainties are investigated. The objective is to design an interval type-2 fuzzy controller such that the closed-loop control system is asymptotically stable. The conditions for the existence of such a controller are delay dependent and membership function dependent in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on a basic lemma, we formulate and solve the problem with more flexibility due to imperfect premise matching that the number of rules and premise membership functions are not necessary the same between the interval type-2 fuzzy model and interval type-2 fuzzy controller. A systematic approach making use of the information embedded in the lower and upper membership functions is employed to facilitate the stability analysis. A numerical example indicates the effectiveness of the derived results.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
ISBN (Print)9781467374286
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2015
EventIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2015 - Istanbul, Turkey
Duration: 2 Aug 20155 Aug 2015


ConferenceIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE 2015


  • Imperfect premise matching
  • Interval type-2 fuzzy control
  • Time-varying delay


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