Is the end in sight? A study of how and why services are decommissioned in the English National Health Service

Iestyn Williams, Jenny Harlock, Glenn Robert, John Kimberly, Russell Mannion

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


The decommissioning of a health‐care service is invariably a highly complex and contentious process which faces many implementation challenges. There has been little specific theorisation of this phenomena, although insights can be transferred from wider literatures on policy implementation and change processes. In this paper, we present findings from empirical case studies of three decommissioning processes initiated in the English National Health Service. We apply Levine's (1979, Public Administration Review, 39(2), 179–183) typology of decommissioning drivers and insights from the empirical literature on pluralistic health‐care contexts, complex change processes and institutional constraints. Data include interviews, non‐participant observation and documents analysis. Alongside familiar patterns of pluralism and political partisanship, our results suggest the important role played by institutional factors in determining the outcome of decommissioning processes and in particular the prior requirement of political vulnerability for services to be successfully closed. Factors linked to the extent of such vulnerability include the scale of the proposed changes and extent to which they are supported at the macrolevel.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)441-458
Number of pages18
JournalSociology of Health and Illness
Issue number2
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Feb 2021


  • Case studies
  • health-care reorganisation
  • health-care decommissioning
  • disinvestment
  • health policy
  • health system change


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