Lamellipodia are crucial for haptotactic sensing and response

Samantha J. King, Sreeja B. Asokan, Elizabeth M. Haynes, Seth P. Zimmerman, Jeremy D. Rotty, James G. Alb, Alicia Tagliatela, Devon R. Blake, Irina P. Lebedeva, Daniel Marston, Heath E. Johnson, Maddy Parsons, Norman E. Sharpless, Brian Kuhlman, Jason M. Haugh, James E. Bear*

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Haptotaxis is the process by which cells respond to gradients of substrate-bound cues, such as extracellular matrix proteins (ECM); however, the cellular mechanism of this response remains poorly understood and hasmainly been studied by comparing cell behavior on uniform ECMs with different concentrations of components. To study haptotaxis in response to gradients, we utilized microfluidic chambers to generate gradients of the ECM protein fibronectin, and imaged the cell migration response. Lamellipodia are fan-shaped protrusions that are common in migrating cells. Here, we define a new function for lamellipodia and the cellular mechanism required for haptotaxis - differential actin and lamellipodial protrusion dynamics lead to biased cell migration. Modest differences in lamellipodial dynamics occurring over time periods of seconds to minutes are summed over hours to produce differential whole cell movement towards higher concentrations of fibronectin. We identify a specific subset of lamellipodia regulators as being crucial for haptotaxis. Numerous studies have linked components of this pathway to cancer metastasis and, consistent with this,we find that expression of the oncogenicRac1 P29S mutation abrogates haptotaxis. Finally, we show that haptotaxis also operates through this pathway in 3D environments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2329-2342
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Cell Science
Issue number12
Early online date15 Jun 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Jun 2016


  • Arp2/3
  • Directed migration
  • Haptotaxis
  • Lamellipodia


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