Laser-cutting: A novel alternative approach for point-of-care manufacturing of bespoke tablets

Yujing Liu, Anna M Leonova, Paul G. Royall, Bambang V.E.B. Abdillah Akbar, Zhengge Cao, Stuart A. Jones, Abdullah Isreb, Daniel B. Hawcutt, Mohamed A. Alhnan*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


A novel subtractive manufacturing method to produce bespoke tablets with immediate and extended drug release is presented. This is the first report on applying fusion laser cutting to produce bespoke furosemide solid dosage forms based on pharmaceutical-grade polymeric carriers. Cylindric tablets of different sizes were produced by controlling the two-dimensional design of circles of the corresponding diameter. Immediate and extended drug release patterns were achieved by modifying the composition of the polymeric matrix. Thermal analysis and XRD indicated that furosemide was present in an amorphous form. The laser-cut tablets demonstrated no significant drug degradation (<2%) nor the formation of impurities were identified. Multi-linear regression was used to quantify the influences of laser-cutting process parameters (laser energy levels, scan speeds, and the number of laser applications) on the depth of the laser cut. The utility of this approach was exemplified by manufacturing tablets of accurate doses of furosemide. Unlike additive or formative manufacturing, the reported approach of subtractive manufacturing avoids the modification of the structure, e.g., the physical form of the drug or matrix density of the tablet during the production process. Hence, fusion laser cutting is less likely to modify critical quality attributes such as release patterns or drug contents. In a point-of-care manufacturing scenario, laser cutting offers a significant advantage of simplifying quality control and a real-time release of laser-cut products such as solid dosage forms and implants.

Original languageEnglish
Article number123518
Early online date29 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2023


  • CNC
  • Early phase clinical trials
  • Patient-specific
  • Personalized
  • Small batch
  • Subtractive manufacturing


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