Lightest Visible-Sector Supersymmetric Particle is Likely to be Unstable

Bobby S. Acharya, Sebastian A R Ellis, Gordon L. Kane, Brent D. Nelson, Malcolm J. Perry

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We argue, based on typical properties of known solutions of string or M theory, that the lightest supersymmetric particle of the visible sector is likely to be unstable. In other words, dark matter is probably not a particle with standard model quantum numbers, such as a weakly interacting massive particle. The argument is simple and based on the typical occurrence of (a) hidden sectors, (b) interactions between the standard model (visible) sector and these hidden sectors, and (c) the lack of an argument against massive neutral hidden sector particles being lighter than the lightest visible supersymmetric particle. These conclusions do not rely on arguments such as R-parity violation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number181802
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2016


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