Looking back and going forward: what should the new European Commission do in order to promote evidence-based policy-making?

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In this paper, we first give an overview of what has happened in Europe within the area of regulation over the past 5 years or so. We then examine where the new European Commission and the Parliament are with regard to evidence-based and risk-informed policy-making taking a specific look at the importance of transparency among European regulatory agencies, the calls for better regulation that were initiated by First Vice President Timmermans, and the continued mis-use of the precautionary principle. In the final section, we provide a number of recommendations on what the Commission and the Parliament should do going forward including moving away from fish bowl to science-based transparency, making the member states more receptive to science-based policy-making and strengthening the capacity of the European Commission to further promote evidence-based and risk-informed policy-making.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-20
JournalJournal of Risk Research
Early online date26 May 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 May 2016


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