Memories of Violence Against Women and Girls across borders: Transformative gender justice through the arts among Brazilian women migrants in London

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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This chapter examines the nature of violence against women among Brazilian migrant women in London and how memories are deeply imbued within their experiences. Violence against women and girls certainly ‘travelled’ across borders but it was reconstituted in new ways in London in workplaces and in the private sphere. The chapter explores gender-based violence among migrants with reference to ideas around memories and how a feminist transformative gender justice approach can be enacted and advanced with a view to improving the lives of women in the short- and longer-terms. Collective memorialisation can be a way of turning individual trauma of gender-based violence into transformation and activism. On discussing their histories of migration, women migrants revealed that gender-based violence was endemic back home in Brazil, where 77 percent of the migrant women reported such experiences, yet more than half suffered it again in London.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGender, Transitional Justice and Memorial Arts
Subtitle of host publicationGlobal Perspectives on Commemoration and Mobilization
EditorsJelke Boesten, Helen Scanlon
Place of PublicationLondon
Number of pages19
ISBN (Electronic)9781000389579
ISBN (Print)9780367508579
Publication statusPublished - May 2021


  • Memory
  • Violence against Women and Girls
  • Verbatim theatre
  • Transformative gender justice


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