Mental health of migrants in low-skilled work and the families they leave behind

Kolitha Wickramage, Chesmal Siriwardhana

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Migration is rapidly reshaping the world. Low-skilled labour migration, in particular, is driven by disparities in income, wealth, and work opportunities. Labour migrants are increasingly flowing among low-income and middle-income nations in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.1 Migrant workers and the family members they leave behind number about 193 million,1 of whom 52–100 million people are domestic workers in low-skilled, so-called difficult, degrading, and dangerous jobs. 83% of these workers are women, most of whom have restricted or no access to legal, social, or health protection, including basic reproductive health rights.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)194-195
Number of pages2
JournalThe Lancet Psychiatry
Issue number3
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Mar 2016


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