Micro-CT Analysis of Cavities by Students Trained Haptically or Traditionally

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Objective: To compare the volume which remains after removal of artificial caries from a plastic tooth for two cohorts of dental students trained by different methods .Group 1: Traditional skills training on plastic teeth and Group 2: Haptically trained using the hapTEL simulator. Method: A cohort of first-year preclinical dental students (n=144) were divided into two groups. Group 1 n= 96(the control) were trained in a traditional skills laboratory on plastic teeth with artificial caries. Group 2 n=48 (experimental) were trained using the hapTEL™ simulator which uses haptically enabled 3-D images of cariously affected teeth. The tasks for both groups were identical with the artificial plastic carious teeth being imaged and replicated in the virtual haptic environment. After three taught sessions both groups performed an assessment involving artificial caries removal from a plastic tooth with a lesion close to the pulp (<0.5mm). All teeth were assessed by five expert teachers but for this feasibility study a random sample of 10 teeth were chosen from both groups as well as 10 non prepared teeth for volumetric analysis using Micro-CT scanning (Scanco Medical AG uCT50) Result: The table below shows the mean values for the amount of plastic tissue remaining after preparation for groups 1 & 2 in comparison to non-prepared tooth. Volume of tooth mm³ ( for n=10) Non-Prepared plastic tooth 540.01 Group 1 Traditional 498.78 Group 2 HapTEL 503.96 The hapTEL™ trained students had 93.32% and the traditional trained 92.36% of the plastic tooth remaining. All of the cavities chosen were assessed as clinically acceptable and though the hapTEL™ group were more conservative in preparation this was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Micro-CT is a useful tool for assessing small volumes and in this study it provided objective assessment of the cavities produce by the two cohorts.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIADR General Session and Exhibition 2014
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2014


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