Multiband RF pulse design for realistic gradient performance

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Simultaneous multi‐slice techniques are reliant on multiband RF pulses, for which conventional design strategies result in long pulse durations, lengthening echo‐times so lowering SNR for spin‐echo imaging, and lengthening repetition times for gradient echo sequences. Pulse durations can be reduced with advanced RF pulse design methods that use time‐variable selection gradients. However, the ability of gradient systems to reproduce fast switching pulses is often limited and can lead to image artifacts when ignored. We propose a time‐efficient pulse design method that inherently produces gradient waveforms with lower temporal bandwidth.

Efficient multiband RF pulses with time‐variable gradients were designed using time‐optimal VERSE. Using VERSE directly on multiband pulses leads to gradient waveforms with high temporal bandwidth, whereas VERSE applied first to singleband RF pulses and then modulated to make them multiband, significantly reduces this. The relative performance of these approaches was compared using simulation and experimental measurements.

Applying VERSE before multiband modulation was successful at removing out‐of‐band slice distortion. This effectively removes the need for high frequency modulation in the gradient waveform while preserving the benefit of time‐efficiency inherited from VERSE.

We propose a time‐efficient RF pulse design that produces gradient pulses with lower temporal bandwidth, reducing image artifacts associated with finite temporal bandwidth of gradient systems.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
Early online date14 Sept 2018
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Sept 2018


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