Music similarity: Concepts, Cognition and Computation: Editorial

Anja Volk*, Elaine Chew, Elizabeth Margulis, Christina Anagnostopoulou

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingForeword/postscript


Similarity is fundamental to our experience of the world (Goldstone & Son, Citation2005), and to our experience of music in particular. Accordingly, modelling music similarity is crucial for researching musical structures and cognitive processes involved in the human engagement with music within the areas of Musicology, Music Theory and Music Cognition. Moreover, the computational modelling of music similarity has become a crucial need for music research, industry and consumers over the last few decades. The dramatic increase in the digitization of music calls for the development of computational methods in Music Information Retrieval (MIR), such as content-based querying and retrieval, automatic music classification, music recommendation and digital rights management. Music similarity is a fundamental topic involved in these different aspects of music information processing. Modelling similarity has become a major challenge in various areas of Computer Science, such as in Multimedia Retrieval, Data Mining and Bioinformatics. The importance of domain specific similarity functions to be employed in search engines has been stressed (Skopal & Bustos, Citation2011). In the domain of music, similarity is a highly context-dependent notion and poses serious challenges for computational modelling. At the same time, the need for computing tools to study music similarity is crucial for music scientists, who study similarity relations in the listening process, in composition and improvisation, and through the analysis of musical scores and performances. ...
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMusic Similarity: Concepts, Cognition and Computation
PublisherTaylor Francis
Number of pages3
ISBN (Electronic)1744-5027
ISBN (Print)0929-8215
Publication statusPublished - 29 Sept 2016
EventMusic Similarity: Concepts, Cognition and Computation - Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands
Duration: 19 Jan 201523 Jan 2015

Publication series

NameJournal of New Music Research
PublisherTaylor & Francis
ISSN (Print)0929-8215
ISSN (Electronic)1744-5027


WorkshopMusic Similarity: Concepts, Cognition and Computation
Internet address


  • music similarity
  • music information research
  • Computational models


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