Necessary and sufficient stability condition for second-order switched systems: a phase function approach

Xiaozhan Yang*, H. K. Lam, Ligang Wu

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To find a unified approach for the stability analysis of second-order switched system, the concept of phase function is proposed in this paper. First, the basic properties of phase function are explored. Following this concept and its properties, the phase-based stability criterion is investigated based on the Lyapunov theory, and a necessary and sufficient stability condition is obtained in the phase function approach. Moreover, the connection between phase-based stability conditions and algebraic condition of system matrices is also discussed. Finally, numerical examples are provided to exemplify the main result and make necessary comparisons with the existing methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-14
Number of pages14
Early online date15 Sept 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Sept 2017


  • Lyapunov function
  • Phase function
  • stability analysis
  • switched system


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