Neural induction by the node and placode induction by head mesoderm share an initial state resembling neural plate border and ES cells

Katherine Trevers, Ravindra Singh Prajapati, Mark Stephen Hintze, Matthew J. Stower, Anna C. Strobl, Monica Tambalo, Ramya Ranganathan, Natalia Moncaut, Mohsin A. F. Khan, Claudio D. Stern, Andrea Streit

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Around the time of gastrulation in higher vertebrate embryos, inductive interactions direct cells to form central nervous system (neural plate) or sensory placodes. Grafts of different tissues into the periphery of a chick embryo elicit different responses: Hensen’s node induces a neural plate, whereas head mesoderm induces placodes. How different are these processes? Transcriptome analysis in time-course reveals that both processes start by induction of a common set of genes, which later diverge. These genes are remarkably similar to those induced by an extraembryonic tissue, the hypoblast, and are normally expressed in the pre-gastrulation stage epiblast. Explants of this epiblast grown in the absence of further signals develop as neural plate border derivatives, and eventually express lens markers. We designate this state as “pre-border”; its transcriptome resembles embryonic stem cells. Finally, using sequential transplantation experiments, we show that the node, head mesoderm and hypoblast are interchangeable to begin any of these inductions, while the final outcome depends on the tissue emitting the later signals.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)355-360
JournalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Issue number7
Early online date19 Dec 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 19 Dec 2017


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