Online Raman spectroscopy for Structural Biology on beamline ID29 of the ESRF

David von Stetten, Thierry Giraud, Soi Bui, Roberto A. Steiner, François Fihman, Daniele de Sanctis, Antoine Royant

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Raman spectroscopy can probe the structure and conformations of specific chemical groups within proteins and may thus be used as a technique complementary to X-ray crystallography. This combined approach can be decisive in resolving ambiguities in the interpretation of enzymatic or X-ray induced processes. Here, we present an online Raman setup developed at the European Synchrotron that allows for interleaved Raman spectra acquisition and X-ray diffraction measurements with fast probe exchange and simple alignment while maintaining a high sensitivity over the entire spectral range. This device has been recently employed in the study of a covalent intermediate in the O2-dependent breakdown of uric acid by the cofactor-free enzyme urate oxidase and to monitor its decay induced by X-ray exposure.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-127
JournalJournal of Structural Biology
Issue number2
Early online date16 Oct 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Oct 2017


  • Raman spectroscopy
  • Macromolecular crystallography
  • Diffraction-complementary technique
  • Kinetic crystallography
  • Radiation damage


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