Opinion on Trust and Transparency in Artificial Intelligence

Christine Aicardi, Lise Bitsch, Saheli Datta Burton, Kathinka Evers, Michele Farisco, Tara Mahfoud, Nikolas Rose, Achim Rosemann, Arleen Salles, Bernd Carsten Stahl, Inga Ulnicane

Research output: Book/ReportReport

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The Ethics and Society Subproject has developed this Opinion in order to clarify lessons the Human Brain Project (HBP) can draw from the current discussion of artificial intelligence, in particular the social and ethical aspects of AI, and outline areas where it could usefully contribute. The EU and numerous other bodies are promoting and implementing a wide range of policies aimed to ensure that AI is beneficial - that it serves society. The HBP as a leading project bringing together neuroscience and ICT is in an excellent position to contribute to and to benefit from these discussions. This Opinion therefore highlights some key aspects of the discussion, shows its relevance to the HBP and develops a list of six recommendations.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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