OxVent: design and evaluation of a rapidly-manufactured Covid-19 ventilator

Richard Beale, Jacqueline Beddoe Rosendo, Christos Bergeles, Anair Beverly, Luigi Camporota, Alfonso A Castrejon-Pita, Douglas C Crockett, John Cronin, Timothy Denison, Sebastian East, Chantal Edwardes, Andrew Farmery, Filiberto Fele, JAmes Fisk, Carla V Fuenteslopez, Michael Garstka, Paul Goulart, Clare Heaysman, Azad Hussain, Prashant JhaIdris Kempf, Adhithya Senthil Kumar, Annika Moslein, Andrew CJ Orr, Sebastien Ourselin, David Salisbury, Carlo Seneci, Robert Staruch, Harrison Steel, Mark Thompson, Minh Tran, Valentina Vitiello, Miguel Angel Perez Xochicale, Feibao Zhou, Federico Formenti*, Thomas Kirk

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 21 Jan 2022

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