Postdigital stylistics: creative multimodal interpretation of poetry and internet mashups

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Stylistics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the systematic analysis of style in language, particularly literary style. Poetry has been a staple of stylistics. Creative performance of poems and stylistic analysis, however, have rarely been bedfellows. I showcase a stylistics pedagogy for creatively interpreting poetry in higher education where students make digitally multimodal storied interpretations of poems. The pedagogy reflects contemporary internet mashup culture, recognising that students inhabit a “postdigital” world where commonplace software and resources offer opportunities for DIY juxtaposition of audio and video for different purposes – artistic, comedic, etc. An advantage of such Postdigital Stylistics is that it integrates performance-based readers, marginalised in exegetical reading practices associated with print. I illustrate the pedagogy with a student video of Charles Bukowski’s poem “the bluebird”, accessible analysis of its foregrounded style, and explanation of how this analysis – crucially – motivates shot design.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-90
Number of pages14
Issue number1
Early online date11 Oct 2021
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Oct 2021


  • Digital multimodal interpretation
  • creative interpretation of poetry
  • higher education
  • mashups
  • postdigital literary studies
  • postdigital stylistics


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