Posthumanism and Corpus Linguistics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Apps, chatbots, virtual reality, digital assistants, facial recognition, ubiquitous computing, augmented reality, the internet of things, fourth industrial revolution, online multi-player video games, etc. We are entangled with the digital, and our thinking and behaviour are affected by this entanglement. The more entangled we are, the more we operate as a different kind of human – “a posthuman”. Scholarly reflection on the posthuman condition is “posthumanism”.

This chapter situates corpus linguistics within posthumanism. Section 2 outlines some key posthumanist perspectives. Section 3 highlights salient ways in which corpus linguistics has been implicitly posthuman for some time. In contrast, Section 4 demonstrates an explicitly posthuman use of corpus linguistics. The final Section 5 encourages a more explicit engagement with posthumanism, and the philosophy of technology more generally, to open new possibilities for corpus linguistics.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRoutledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, 2nd ed.
EditorsO'Keeffe Anne, McCarthy M
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2022


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