Prediction of small for gestational age infants in healthy nulliparous women using clinical and ultrasound risk factors combined with early pregnancy biomarkers

Lesley M E McCowan, John M D Thompson, Rennae S. Taylor, Philip N. Baker, Robyn A. North, Lucilla Poston, Claire T. Roberts, Nigel A B Simpson, James J. Walker, Jenny Myers, Louise C. Kenny, D. Healy, A. Briley, N. Murphy, E. Snapes, Eliza Chan, Mik Black

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Objective: Most small for gestational age pregnancies are unrecognised before birth, resulting in substantial avoidable perinatal mortality and morbidity. Our objective was to develop multivariable prediction models for small for gestational age combining clinical risk factors and biomarkers at 15±1 weeks' with ultrasound parameters at 20±1 weeks' gestation. Methods: Data from 5606 participants in the Screening for Pregnancy Endpoints (SCOPE) cohort study were divided into Training (n = 3735) and Validation datasets (n = 1871). The primary outcomes were All-SGA (small for gestational age with birthweight

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0169311
JournalPL o S One
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2017


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