
PURPOSE: Disability in activities of daily living (ADL) is a common unmet need among people with advanced respiratory disease. Rehabilitation could help prolong independence, but indicators for timely intervention in this population are lacking. This study aimed to identify trajectories of disability in ADLs over time, and predicting factors, in advanced respiratory disease.

METHOD: Multi-site prospective cohort study in people with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or interstitial lung disease (ILD), recruited from hospital or community services, throughout England. Disability in basic (Barthel Index) and instrumental (Lawton-Brody IADL Scale) ADLs were assessed monthly over six months. Visual graphical analysis determined individual trajectories. Multivariate logistic regression examined predictors of increasing disability in basic and instrumental ADLs.

FINDINGS: Between March 2020 and January 2021, we recruited participants with a diagnosis of NSCLC ( n  = 110), COPD ( n  = 72), and ILD ( n  = 19). 151 participants completed ≥3 timepoints and were included in the longitudinal analysis. Mobility limitation was an independent predictor of increasing disability in instrumental ADLs (odds ratio, 1⋅41 [CI: 1⋅14-1⋅74], p  = 0⋅002).

CONCLUSION: Mobility limitation could be used as a simple referral criterion across people with advanced respiratory disease to ensure timely rehabilitation that targets independence in ADLs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalDisability and Rehabilitation
Early online date10 Dec 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 10 Dec 2023


  • Activities of daily living
  • advanced cancer
  • disability
  • palliative care
  • rehabilitation
  • respiratory disease


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