
Research output: Other contribution


"The Invisible Native-American Spectator(s)” (9 October 2012); “All About Glee” (11 December 2011); “Poetics of Addiction [On Twilight] (4 April 2010); “The Genius and the Aura” [On Gustavo Dudamel] (15 October 2009); "Whose Trauma is It?: Reading Inglourious Basterds" (28 September 2009); “From The Paradine Case to Prop 8” (19 August 2009); “Cat and Mouse” [On Animal Consciousness] (17 July 2009); “The Grand Finale” [On Mahler’s Symphony No. 8] (27 June 2009); “Re-Reading This Sporting Life” (23 June 2009); “Is Hero a Sellout?” (13 June 2009); “On ‘Lust, Caution’ (The Novella)” (18 May 2009); “The Nocturne” [On Chopin] (1 May 2009); “The Christ that Remains” [On Nicholas Ray’s King of Kings] (26 April 2009); “Rethinking Broken Blossoms through Canhua lei” (12 April 2009); “The Cinema of Sun Yu” (6 April 2009); “Logan’s Doubt (In Kang Youwei’s Parallel Universe)” [On Logan’s Run and Kang Yougwei] (30 March 2009); “On Tom Brown’s School-Days” (23 March 2009); “Hawks and Sparrows” [On the Cinema of Pasolini] (16 March 2009); “Whose Funny Valentine? Part 2” (On Slumdog Millionaire) (24 February 2009); “The Post-Mortem Life of Music” (14 December 2008); “What is Truly Absent from the Beijing Olympics?” (12 August 2008); “Football and ‘Modern Slavery’” (18 July 2008); “Euro 2008” (5 July 2008).
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputCommunal Blog
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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