Pseudo-Chrysostom’s Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum in Meister Eckhart

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This unfinished commentary on the Gospel of Matthew is one of the gems of Patristic literature. Although branded an Arian text, it is full of wit, sharp theological analysis and a rich source of critical thinking about the most fundamental problems of theology. Despite its heretical smell, the book made its way into the Middle Ages under the pseudonymous name of Chrysostom. Because of its content it was highly regarded by Thomas Aquinas, but none other than Meister Eckhart used it as one of his favourite theological inspirations, one of the reasons, why I’d like to explore Eckhart’s uptake of the text in this article. It will not only give some insight into Eckhart’s reading of it, but also into the mysteries of this book itself.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)281-301
JournalStudia Patristica
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Meister Eckhart
  • Patristics
  • Medieval Philosophy
  • Medieval Theology


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