Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Testicular Cancer: A Systematic Review

Amine Dincer, Oliver Brunckhorst, Oktay Genel, Prokar Dasgupta, Asif Muneer, Kamran Ahmed

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Objectives: Several patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are available for the assessment of quality of life (QoL), anxiety and depression for testicular cancer (TCa); however, these PROMs have uncertain validation of their psychometric properties for TCa-only cohorts. This systematic review aims to critically analyse and evaluate the psychometric properties of these QoL, anxiety and depression PROMs. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE and PsycInfo were searched by two independent reviewers from inception to August 2020. Evaluative studies that assessed measurement properties of PROM(s) tools used for measuring QoL, anxiety and depression in TCa patients were included. The COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health status Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) updated criteria for good measurement properties were used in the evaluation of PROM psychometric quality. This systematic review was registered on the PROSPERO database (CRD42020160232). Results: Of 4,305 abstracts screened, a final eight full-text articles were included in this review. Five general and two TCa-specific PROMs were identified (depression, n = 1; anxiety and depression, n = 2; QoL, n = 4). All studies were incomplete in the validation of nine measurement properties and the modal methodological quality was ‘indeterminate’. The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality -Testicular Cancer 26 questionnaire and CAYA-T had the highest psychometric validation with three out of nine measurement properties being ‘sufficient’. Conclusion: This systematic review identifies a paucity of PROM-validation studies assessing anxiety, depression and QoL in TCa-only cohorts. We recommend further comprehensive and standardised psychometric validation studies of QoL, anxiety and depression PROMs in TCa-only study populations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1420-1429
Number of pages10
Issue number9
Early online date2 May 2021
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2021


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