Quantification of the health effects of air pollution in the UK for revised PM10 objective analysis

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Air Quality Strategy for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland currently sets the following objectives for PM10 particles, to be achieved by 31 December 2004:
· 50 mgm-3 as a 24-hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year
· 40 mgm-3 as an annual mean, not to be exceeded.
These objectives are consistent with the Stage 1 limit values for PM10 included in the first EU Daughter Directive (AQDD), which are to be achieved by 1 January 2005. The 24-hour mean objective and limit value is expected to be the more stringent of the two. Indicative Stage 2 limit values for PM10 are also included in the first AQDD at 20 mgm-3 as an annual mean and 50mgm-3 as a 24-hour mean, not to be exceeded more than 7 times a year, to be achieved by 1
January 2010.
The Government and devolved administrations recognise that the possible health gains from reducing PM10 levels are thought to be greater than those for any other pollutant. They are concerned to set sights beyond the immediate need to comply with the AQDD Stage 1 limit values. The Government and devolved administrations have therefore undertaken to assess the prospects of whether the AQS objectives for PM10 can be strengthened (DETR et al, 2000). An analysis of the costs and benefits of different measures to reduce ambient PM10 concentrations forms an important part of this PM10 objective analysis.

A consultation document on proposals for air quality objectives for particles, benzene, carbon monoxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been published (DEFRA et al, 2001a) along with an economic analysis to inform the review of the Air Quality Strategy objectives for particles (DEFRA, et al, 2001b). A series of reports detailing the air quality modelling (Stedman, et al 2001a Stedman et al, 2001b cost analysis (AEA Technology, 2001) and health benefits
analyses (Stedman et al, 2001c supporting the review have also been published.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherAEA Technology plc
Number of pages27
VolumeIssue 1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2002


  • Quantification, PM10, pollution,


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