Randomised controlled trials: an introduction for nurse researchers

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To present an overview of the main components of randomised controlled trials and identify issues for consideration during their design and management.
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are considered to be the gold standard for determining causality and can provide high quality evidence to inform nursing practice.
A search of online databases and websites was undertaken to identify relevant contemporary literature to inform the discussion.
Conducting a robust randomised controlled trial can present researchers with numerous challenges and practical considerations. The importance of taking account of the Consort guidelines during their design, conduct and reporting is emphasised. IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH/PRACTICE: Evidence from well conducted RCTs contributes to the development of effective nursing interventions. To avoid bias and ensure valid results, the design, conduct and reporting of RCTs should follow the Consort guidelines. Service users should be involved in the design and management of RCTs.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberN/A
Pages (from-to)38-44
Number of pages7
JournalNurse researcher
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2013


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