Relationship between blood pressure and frailty in older hypertensive outpatients

Giorgio Basile, Antonino Catalano, Giuseppe Mandraffino, Giuseppe Maltese, Angela Alibrandi, Giuliana Ciancio, Antonino Lasco, Matteo Cesari

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23 Citations (Scopus)


Background The benefits and risks of treating hypertension in old and frail patients are debated. Aim The aim of the present study is to measure the frailty status in older patients with hypertension and determine the relationships existing between blood pressure (BP) values and frailty. Methods Frailty was retrospectively assessed by using the frailty index (FI) in 56 hypertensive old outpatients. Patients with an FI > 0.25 were classified as frail. Results Forty-five out of 56 (80%) had a FI > 0.25. A statistically significant inverse correlation was found between FI and systolic BP (r = −0.319, p = 0.016), orthostatic systolic BP (r = −0.408, p = 0.002), orthostatic diastolic BP (r = −0.299, p = 0.025), and orthostatic pulse pressure (r = −0.297, p = 0.026). Discussion Frailer subjects appear as over-treated according to current European guidelines. Conclusions FI can play an important role in the clinical setting by supporting the identification of subjects at risk and allowing an improved provision of adapted and personalized care.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1049-1053
JournalAging Clinical and Experimental Research
Issue number5
Early online date21 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2017


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