Replica analysis of Bayesian data clustering

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We use statistical mechanics to study model-based Bayesian data
clustering. In this approach, each partition of the data into clusters is regarded
as a microscopic system state, the negative data log-likelihood gives the energy
of each state, and the data set realisation acts as disorder. Optimal clustering
corresponds to the ground state of the system, and is hence obtained from the
free energy via a low ‘temperature’ limit. We assume that for large sample
sizes the free energy density is self-averaging, and we use the replica method
to compute the asymptotic free energy density. The main order parameter in
the resulting (replica symmetric) theory, the distribution of the data over the
clusters, satisfies a self-consistent equation which can be solved by a population
dynamics algorithm. From this order parameter one computes the average free
energy, and all relevant macroscopic characteristics of the problem. The theory
describes numerical experiments perfectly, and gives a significant improvement
over the mean-field theory that was used to study this model in past.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal Of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 18 Nov 2019


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